Unlike the previous subjects that we went through in the course, web building was something I already had experiences with. In the project section of this site, I have showcased my team final project for the web development class I had took at Kapi’olani Community College. It was a simple 6-page site that promoted a fake tour company. Looking back at it, it looks pretty busy, distracting, and too colorful. There are too many elements in the front and the alternating color pattern, was at the time to differentiate each box. However, upon recently reflection, those elements seem to cover up the lack of details in the products. At the time, I was not very focused/interested in learning web design and thus had a hard time with it. I figure it was for the more creative people. Even now while I have a better understanding of it, I still feel it is not my cup of tea, but I do know how to do it. The first site I have ever made had like 3 solid colors filling up the entire page. I would link it here but it I have lost the data for it.
Semantic UI was not really that bad once you look at each element as a box. You take the biggest box and put in a smaller box like a nesting doll. Then it gets decorated with whatever you want the box to be. If you want to add something new, it is another big box. Overall, it was something I was able to pick up without much difficulty. Most of the WODs, I was able to finish in one try at standard time. Much better than my other WODs with 2 attempts. Also, I managed to finish the in class WODs which is a huge improvement. Semantic UI is extremely useful, it makes making website easier with its simple modifiers. No messy CSS, simple html lines, consistent organization. Easy and simple to pick up but hard to master, there are so much possibility with small simple tools.
Some might say HTML and CSS are not really programming, how does Semantic UI help programmers. Well one thing Semantic UI teaches is scope. Going back to what I said earlier about boxes, each section of the html is sectioned off into its own little corner. So, what ever happened in box Vegas, stays in box Vegas. It does not affect another box unless they are label the same. This help explain how the code in this function or project have no impact in another unless dictated so. The modularity nature of Semantic UI can be used to create simple function which can be call or combine with other simple function to perform a complex task. There is always something one can take away from anything that can help in another situation or field.